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personal brand and product photography for small business.

Photography Workshop for Small Businesses

I am so excited to be offering my first in-person photography workshop for small businesses! I have taught some beginner photography classes, but not specifically for businesses. This workshop is geared specifically towards businesses selling a physical product that they can bring along and get hands-on help and practice shooting. Why a Workshop Why would […]

30-Day Flatlay Challenge

Business, Commercial, Education

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Wooden toys and teethers | theBabyNiche

Nysha from the Baby Niche makes and sells wooden toys and teethers and was launching her new collection, Kin and Grove. She needed simple product shots for her website so I used a white background and let the product be the focus. She was coming out with a new product and I got to see it […]

wooden baby toys and teething toys

Brands, Commercial

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Client Spotlight: Lethbridge Orthotics and Prosthetics

I didn’t know anything about braces or prosthetics before I walked into Lethbridge Orthotics and Prosthetics. We started off with some simple product shots and head shots on-site in their building, then got a few of their facility and their staff in action. This fall we then were able to photograph some of their actual […]

Lethbridge commercial photographer Kinsey Holt Photography for Lethbridge Orthotics and Prosthetics commercial shoot

Brands, Commercial

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Simply Love – Children’s Clothing Brand

Ann Rocha is the founder and CEO of Simply Love in Calgary, which is a children’s clothing brand featuring high-quality pieces made from sustainable materials. Ann experienced infertility for several years, and during that time she began Simply Love as a distraction from her problems. It has turned into a creative outlet as she is […]

Brands, Commercial

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Brandon & Kaylyn | Brooks Rustic Wedding

I looked forward to Kaylyn and Brandon’s rustic Brooks wedding all year! Kaylyn is just an inspiring person and I loved following her on instagram and getting to know her and seeing the planning before the big day! She was a bridesmaid in a wedding I shot a couple of years ago and it’s always so […]

Featured Posts, Uncategorized

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Conner & Justys | Waterton Engagement Session

I first met these two at another wedding where Justys was in the bridal party for her sister! I was so excited when she emailed me about her wedding because I already love the family. I’m already looking forward to watching her grandma and aunts work their magic on buckets of flowers – her grandma […]

Engagement, Featured Posts

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Mini Branding Sessions

I have launched a separate sub-section of my website for commercial photography – it’s http://commercial.kinseyholt.com    If you have an Instagram account and/or a Facebook page then you face the task of coming up with content for it! Have you ever sat staring at your phone wishing you had a good picture to post? Or […]

Commercial, Education

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Tennyson & Noel | Cardston temple wedding

Tennyson + Noel   These two are some of the sweetest people you’ll meet. Also the smiliest. 🙂 My husband and Tennyson are related, so I first met Tennyson after we were married almost ten years ago! We love seeing their family during their visits to Canada. Tennyson and Noel both come from Montana, and […]


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33 Things for 33 Years

33 Things About Me It was my 33rd birthday this year – yes I am that old. 😉 So here are 33 things you may or may not know about me: I am the mother to 4 girls I am the 2nd oldest of 6 kids (5 girls + 1 boy) I love potatoes in […]


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Glue-Free Falsies and Splurge & Co | Lethbridge commercial photographer

I was looking back on my year of photos and I realized there are a few I haven’t shared on the blog, including these ones! It was so fun to do this shoot with Maria, Sadie and McKell. It was also absolutely freezing and they were such good sports! It was the last day of […]


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