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personal brand and product photography for small business.

AI Mama | Lethbridge food photographer

As a Lethbridge product photographer, I get to see really yummy food! My favorite from AI Mama’s shoot was the freeze dried pineapple, which was so good! Joisa makes freeze-dried goods, including fruit and candy, with more products in the pipeline to come soon. She also takes custom orders, if you don’t see something you […]

Brands, Product Photos

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Brand Photography | Make a good first impression

I love summer mornings, and getting out for a walk/run/bike ride. Why is it so much easier to be active in the summer?? Anyway, this morning as I pedalled past the third person in a row who greeted me with a big smile and friendly greeting, it got me thinking about first impressions, and how […]

Brand photography helps you give the best first impression!


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Guliker & Vis | Lethbridge Realtor Photographer

When you’re looking to buy or sell your home, you want to have a good relationship with an awesome realtor, someone you can trust, right? Getting professional brand photos done as a realtor helps you connect with your potential clients and give them a look at who you are. Using those brand photos in your […]

Guliker & Vis Realtor team photo


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Lethbridge headshot photographer

As a Lethbridge headshot photographer, I love spending a few minutes with each staff member, helping them achieve a headshot they actually like! We chat while we try a few different variations of poses. I don’t believe in silence when getting your picture taken! It’s too awkward. After we take a few shots, I turn […]

Woman's headshot taken by Lethbridge headshot photographer Kinsey Holt


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Key Creative | Lethbridge designer photographer

Keyana from Key Creative is an amazing brand and web designer. I’m blown away by how professional and awesome her website designs are. She puts so much work into SEO and keywords, not just design, so her clients show up at the top of Google searches, too. This was a one-hour session where we worked […]

Keyana from Key Creative Co

Brands, Commercial

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Absolute Dental | Lethbridge dentist photography

I’m catching up on posting clients from 2022 and Absolute Dental was such a fun shoot! These are great examples of Lethbridge dentist photography. Lifestyle brand photos are the ones that show a product or service in action. Absolute Dental is a dental office in Lethbridge and they needed content for their social media. We […]

Brands, Commercial

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5 Keys to Amazing Brand Photos

Want to know something that gets googled a lot when it comes to brand photos? How to get amazing brand photos! Investing in brand photography is a big deal, so nobody wants it to be a waste of time or money. From my work with my awesome clients in the Lethbridge area and around Southern […]

Realtor brand photography shows realtor sitting on floor working, photographed by Kinsey Holt

Brands, Commercial

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Realtor Brand Photography | Julie Jenkins

Isn’t this session amazing?? Julie had so many fun ideas for her realtor brand photography session – she knew what content she needed to put out on Instagram, she just needed the photos ready to go for them. She shares helpful tips for staging your home, listings, and more, so we created images for that […]

Realtor standing at kitchen counter

Brands, Commercial

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Lethbridge salon photographer | The Salon

As a Lethbridge salon photographer, I love getting to meet the people the most. Renee Calvert and Trish Gallup are the masterminds behind The Salon in Brooks, Alberta. They both have extensive experience in the industry and set out to create a spa like experience for their clients. From their website: “Welcome to The Salon. […]

The staff of The Salon in Brooks. Staff photo taken in the salon by Lethbridge salon photographer Kinsey Holt


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Lethbridge Personal Brand Photographer | Tamara Rzan

As a Lethbridge personal brand photographer, I get to work with a range of clients from all types of businesses. Tamara Rzan is a realtor working out of the Crownest Pass and surrounding area. She is a ball of energy, optimism and drive. We captured a variety of different outfits and looks in her session […]

Realtor talking on her phone


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