
10 on Tuesday

1. I ate too much Nutella today. That stuff is addicting!
2. I had so much fun on Saturday with two baby boys. They both even showed up with the exact same sock monkey. I will blog both sessions soon, but until then there are a few more up on my facebook page.


3. I am still booking weddings for the coming spring/summer – I love meeting new couples!

4. I missed January, but this month I started a 15 on the 15th project (inspired by my friend) – where you take 15 photos on the 15th day of the month to tell the story of that day. I still haven’t narrowed it down to 15 – I took a lot of photos – but here are a few:



5. We had so much fun while my sister Bri was visiting. We went to the Remington Carriage Centre and even got to go inside the barn since my sister worked there over the summer.


6. With my personal photos, I am starting something called Project Life. I already took a ton of pictures, but now I’ve started taking even more photos of the ordinary, everyday stuff, and things I think I’ll want to remember in the future, or what I think others might want to remember in the future. While my sister was up visiting we went out to my uncle’s place, which borders the land I grew up on. Mountains are great but give me the prairie any day. 🙂

We went out for a wagon ride with a team my dad is training to drive. Here’s Ava with her cousin Gavin waiting for the wagon to get going.

We saw lots of geese, which I attempted to capture as they flew away while jolting along a bumpy road in the wagon and trying to keep Ava from crying. Growing up I was usually on a horse, not in the wagon, when we went for wagon rides. Now I remember why. 🙂

7. We walked through the house my great grandpa lived in when he worked this land back in the day. My uncle has been working to restore it:


8. I love being a mom to a little girl. Her makeup artist was a 3-year-old girl I babysit – girls are so fun! 🙂


9. I can’t stop watching Downton Abbey. Good thing there are only 3 seasons so far – not much longer until I am caught up!


10. I have a massage on Friday and an engagement session on Saturday – it’s going to be a good weekend!


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