
Baby Payton | Lifestyle newborn session

Baby Payton is the brand new daughter of my cousin, Eric (also my wedding photographer) and his wife Jocelyn (and I even got to shoot their wedding!). I loved getting to shoot in their beautiful home with all of the natural light. Jocelyn is the cutest decorator and Payton’s nursery is adorable.  These two are pretty smitten with this little bundle, and for good reason! There is nothing like a brand new baby to hold and love. Congratulations Eric and Jocelyn!

Kinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn session

Kinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn sessionKinsey Holt Photography Lifestyle newborn session

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