
Living a Life

For this month’s challenge, I wanted to get into the frame myself. Not because I think I look the best, or particularly want the world to see pictures of me, but because I want my children to know I was there. And these photos aren’t necessarily amazing technically but I feel like it is important – I was totally inspired by this blog: A group of 18 photographers, who are moms, get themselves into a photo with their kids once a month and post it. These are amazing photographers and I just love looking at their posts! You need to check it out. 🙂


Our theme for this “Living a Life” series is this quote:


“Instructions for living a life. 
Pay attention. 
Be astonished. 
Tell about it.” 

― Mary Oliver


These two little girls keep me busy all day, and I am constantly astonished, when I pay attention, by the things they do and what individuals they are, even at such a young age. I love to see their personalities emerge and try to document their story through photos. They teach me every day and I am so, so grateful I get to be their mom!





And here is a little taste of breakfast at our house: fairy costume, Valentine decorations, chocolate milk, crafts and all:






To view the posts of the other ladies taking part, visit their blogs using the links below!
  1. […] Check out my others friends doing this project: Andrea, Rhonda, Erin, Naomi, Kinsey. […]

  2. Brooke says:

    Hooray for getting in your pictures! They are great!

  3. rhonda says:

    Kins, I LOVE that you got in!!!! Love love them. Those sweet girls and you. You were there. Love it.

  4. naomi says:

    i think you are so right–so important to be in photos. I know i’m guilty of not doing that 🙂 I have seen that blog–it’s great! these are too cute–love her little fairy costume!

  5. Erin says:

    These are so lovely. This is something I need to do myself!

  6. Andrea says:

    Love the little purple fairy costume your daughter has on. Very cute!

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